ChristCentral is a family of churches served by an apostolic team led by Jeremy Simpkins. This team works with over 275 churches in more than 25 nations and is part of the wider Newfrontiers family. We are also working in partnership with other teams in such places as The Middle East and South East Asia. Jeremy meets regularly with other Newfrontiers apostles both in the UK and internationally. He is married to Ann and they are based at City Church Sheffield, UK.
ChristCentral is one of 5 UK based Newfrontiers Apostolic Teams. Each of these teams have their own sphere of ministry, both within the UK and in other nations. Steve Tibbert has been invited by the UK based apostles to provide facilitating leadership across the several differentteams which now make up our family of churches in the UK. Steve & Deb Tibbert are based at King's Church London. You can find out more about ChristCentral by visiting:
ChristCentral is one of 5 UK based Newfrontiers Apostolic Teams. Each of these teams have their own sphere of ministry, both within the UK and in other nations. Steve Tibbert has been invited by the UK based apostles to provide facilitating leadership across the several differentteams which now make up our family of churches in the UK. Steve & Deb Tibbert are based at King's Church London. You can find out more about ChristCentral by visiting:
ChristCentral's 2030 vision can be summarised as follows:
Releasing multiple apostolic teams ….serving dozens of nations, ….partnering with hundreds of churches ….mobilising thousands of believers We believe God is speaking to us about releasing multiple apostolic teams in dozens of nations; some we are already working in, some new. We want to partner with hundreds of local churches in these nations, serving them and catching them up in apostolic mission. Finally we want to mobilise and release thousands of believers, to make a difference where they live and work. Our Distinctives: BEING - Friends enjoying God together BUILDING - Churches empowered by Word & Spirit ADVANCING - The Kingdom, transforming the world REACHING - Nations, making disciples |
ChristCentral is part of the wider Newfrontiers family. This originated in the 1970s with Terry Virgo and an apostolic team based in the South East of England. In 2011, having seen exponential growth around the world, Terry multiplied the work of Newfrontiers to a number of apostolic leaders who took on responsibility for their teams and churches. At this point, Newfrontiers was redefined as: “a group of apostolic leaders partnering together on global mission, joined by common values and beliefs, shared mission and genuine relationships”.
A powerful prophetic word at the Global 2012 conference encouraged these new teams to continue to work together in this new season. There are currently approximately 1,500 churches around the world that work with a number of different Newfrontiers teams. You can find out more about Newfrontiers by visiting:
A powerful prophetic word at the Global 2012 conference encouraged these new teams to continue to work together in this new season. There are currently approximately 1,500 churches around the world that work with a number of different Newfrontiers teams. You can find out more about Newfrontiers by visiting: